Razionale Novese Cheese Factory
Having made Parmigiano Reggiano for over 65 years, we are the biggest cheese factory in the district in terms of production capacity with 100,000 whole cheeses made every year. For generations we have checked the entire supply chain, following every process with love and dedication: from pastures to farmland, from processing the milk to making Parmigiano Reggiano. Our cheese, made with milk from our farms, perfectly conveys the deep bond with our region and represents the result of years of experience and tradition. A completely natural, easily digestible food, it is recommended for young children’s diets because it is free from any lactose and preservatives.
Via Provinciale Mantova, 73 – Novi di Modena
Tel. +39 059/670094
Email: info@caseificiorazionalenovese.it
Website (with online shop): www.caseificiorazionalenovese.it
Shop opening times: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm